June 19, 2018 at 10:04PM
"One of the most important obstacles to seeing: our assumptions are as blind to us as we are to them." #readingToday This is one of the most important obstacles to seeing differently and deviating from uninspired, conventional perceptions: our assumptions are as blind to us as we are to them. This bias-blindness is the foundation of what I referred to earlier as the Physics of No. The person saying no doesn't necessarily know why, but only that they always have done so in that circumstance previously and so behave as if their perception is an immutable law of nature. This in turn makes it impossible to question, until we gain sight (awareness of our assumptions). "Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently" by Beau Lotto Start reading this book for free: http://a.co/dwiPPRE

Quote shared via Kindle: "This is one of the most important obstacles to seeing differently and deviating from uninspired, conventional perceptions: our assumptions are as blind to us as we are to them. This bias-blindness is the foundation of what I referr...