December 31, 2017 at 10:16AM
As information theorist Dave Forney put it, "bits are the universal interface." #readingToday "Up until that time, everyone thought that communication was involved in trying to find ways of communicating written language, spoken language, pictures, video, and all of these different things—that all of these would require different ways of communicating," said Shannon's colleague Robert Gallager. "Claude said no, you can turn all of them into binary digits. And then you can find ways of communicating the binary digits." You can code any message as a stream of bits, without having to know where it will go; you can transmit any stream of bits, efficiently and reliably, without having to know where it came from. As information theorist Dave Forney put it, "bits are the universal interface." Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age" by Jimmy Soni, Rob Goodman Start reading this book for free:

Quote shared via Kindle: ""Up until that time, everyone thought that communication was involved in trying to find ways of communicating written language, spoken language, pictures, video, and all of these different things—that all of these would require dif...