December 31, 2017 at 09:45AM
"Information is stochastic. It is neither fully unpredictable nor fully determined. It unspools in roughly guessable ways." #readingToday "Information is stochastic. It is neither fully unpredictable nor fully determined. It unspools in roughly guessable ways. That's why the classic model of a stochastic process is a drunk man stumbling down the street. He doesn't walk in the respectably straight line that would allow us to predict his course perfectly. Each lurch looks like a crapshoot. But watch him for long enough and we'll see patterns start to emerge from his stumble, patterns that we could work out statistically if we cared to. Over time, we'll develop a decent estimation of the spots on the pavement on which he's most likely to end up; our estimates are even more likely to hold if we begin with some assumptions about the general walking behavior of drunks. For instance, they tend to gravitate toward lampposts." "Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age" by Jimmy Soni, Rob Goodman Start reading this book for free:

Quote shared via Kindle: "Information is stochastic. It is neither fully unpredictable nor fully determined. It unspools in roughly guessable ways. That's why the classic model of a stochastic process is a drunk man stumbling down the street. He doesn't wal...