December 16, 2016 at 09:19PM
"The mind is making the world seem a much more certain place than it actually is." #readingToday

We're programmed for error. It isn't that some people make mistakes and some people don't. The mind is programmed to make certain kinds of mistakes, certain kind of systematic misjudgments. The mind is fallible, and it's not a shameful thing that it's fallible.

I'd say the second, related idea—and maybe what leads to the fallibility—is that one of the things the mind is doing is making the world seem a much more certain place than it actually is. People have trouble living with or acknowledging the actual uncertainty that there is in the world at any given moment. And so the mind makes up stories that make the world seem much more certain.

In The Undoing Project, Michael Lewis shows how a pair of Israeli psychologists revealed the weirdness of the human mind.