May 24, 2016 at 11:08PM
"When you're daydreaming your brain is operating at nearly full capacity" #readingToday

The surprise, Raichle found, is that there was virtually no difference in the amount of brain activity between the two states—when subjects were intently focusing and when they were just letting their minds wander. The difference between the amount of energy your brain uses while daydreaming and the amount it uses while focusing intently is less than 5 percent. How much of the brain's overall potential is used when you daydream? Anywhere from 80 to 95 percent. In other words, when you're daydreaming your brain is operating at nearly full capacity!

The Chaos Imperative: How Chance and Disruption Increase Innovation, Effectiveness, and Success" by Ori Brafman, Judah Pollack

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Quote shared via Kindle: "The surprise, Raichle found, is that there was virtually no difference in the amount of brain activity between the two states—when subjects were intently focusing and when they were just letting their minds wander. The difference b...