March 11, 2015 at 11:38PM
"Each microservice is an independent, autonomous process with no dependency on other microservices." #readingToday  

Microservices are fine-grained units of execution. They are designed to do one thing very well. Each microservice has exactly one well-known entry point. While this may sound like an attribute of a component, the difference is in the way they are packaged.

Microservices are not just code modules or libraries – they contain everything from the operating system, platform, framework, runtime and dependencies, packaged as one unit of execution.

Each microservice is an independent, autonomous process with no dependency on other microservices. It doesn't even know or acknowledge the existence of other microservices.

Microservices communicate with each other through language and platform-agnostic application programming interfaces (APIs). These APIs are typically exposed as Rest endpoints or can be invoked via lightweight messaging protocols such as RabbitMQ. They are loosely coupled with each other avoiding synchronous and blocking-calls whenever possible.

A microservice architecture promotes developing and deploying applications composed of autonomous, self-contained units