February 16, 2015 at 04:07PM
"[Web API] advice from psychologist Abraham Maslow, industrial designers Charles & Ray Eames and human-computer interaction guru Donald Norman." #readingToday  

_In the process of offering up guidance on how to design and implement APIs for the Web, I call on advice from psychologist Abraham Maslow, industrial designers Charles and Ray Eames and human-computer interaction guru Donald Norman. They all bolster many of the key principles Roy Fielding relied upon when he wrote his 2000 dissertation Architectural Styles & the Design of Network-based Software Architectures – the one that contains the definition of REST (Representational State Transfer) that so many talk about today.

CA recently released a new eBook A Guide to REST & API Design that is based (in part) on a talk I gave at the 2012 Code PaLOUsa in Louisville, KY. The approach is a bit atypical for most REST papers or presentations. I decided to focus on some of the broader issues around design in general and ...