December 31, 2014 at 03:44PM
"[H]ow do we know where an object made up of other objects begins and ends?" #readingToday

[H]ow do we know where an object made up of other objects begins and ends? In any system with persistent storage of data, there must be a scope for a transaction that changes data, and a way of maintaining the consistency of the data (that is, maintaining its invariants). Databases allow various locking schemes, and tests can be programmed. But these ad hoc solutions divert attention away from the model, and soon you are back to hacking and hoping.

In fact, finding a balanced solution to these kinds of problems calls for deeper understanding of the domain, this time extending to factors such as the frequency of change between the instances of certain classes. We need to find a model that leaves high-contention points looser and strict invariants tighter.

Domain-Driven Design, Eric Evans