January 09, 2017 at 02:07PM
"[I]t's possible robots end up exacerbating inequality in low income countries." #autonomicFuture #readingToday

[I]t's an open question whether services jobs – like driving for Uber -- will be as well paid or secure as a job on a production line. There's also the risk those services jobs will become far more automated -- driverless cars are a threat to cab drivers.Competition for good services jobs is likely to be fierce, keeping a lid on wages. Taken together, it's possible robots end up exacerbating inequality in low income countries. Even business leaders who stand to profit from greater automation and digitization have become increasingly outspoken about the potential negative consequences. In Germany, the CEOs of Deutsche Telekom AG and Siemens AG have both recently backed some form of basic income for those displaced by technology.

Even in emerging markets, factory jobs aren't safe from robots.