April 01, 2015 at 01:22PM
"If everything works perfectly, little is learned. Learning occurs when there are difficulties." #readingToday

The goal is rapid prototyping and testing, or in the words of David Kelley, Stanford professor and cofounder of the design firm IDEO, "Fail frequently, fail fast."Many rational executives (and government officials) never quite understand this aspect of the design process. Why would you want to fail? They seem to think that all that is necessary is to determine the requirements, then build to those requirements. Tests, they believe, are only necessary to ensure that the requirements are met. It is this philosophy that leads to so many unusable systems. Deliberate tests and modifications make things better. Failures are to be encouraged—actually, they shouldn't be called failures: they should be thought of as learning experiences. If everything works perfectly, little is learned. Learning occurs when there are difficulties.

Design of Everyday Things Revised Don Norman