March 08, 2015 at 04:38PM
"To model even a slightly complex domain you need multiple BoundedContexts, each with its own data model." #readingToday  

This is an important step, many data warehouse initiatives didn't get very far because of schema problems. Data warehouses tend to go with the notion of a single schema for all analytics needs, but I've taken the view that a single unified data model is impractical for anything but the smallest organizations. To model even a slightly complex domain you need multiple BoundedContexts, each with its own data model. In analytics terms, you need each analytics user to use a model that makes sense for the analysis they are doing. By shifting to storing raw data only, this firmly puts the responsibility on the data analyst.

A Data Lake is a store that hold raw data as a source for data scientists to explore ways to gain information. It should not be accessed by end-users or used for system integration.