January 14, 2015 at 01:54PM
"An ANTICORRUPTION LAYER is a means of linking two BOUNDED CONTEXTS." #readingToday

Remember, an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER is a means of linking two BOUNDED CONTEXTS. Ordinarily, we are thinking of a system created by someone else; we have incomplete understanding of the system and little control over it. But that is not the only situation where you need a little padding between subsystems. There are even situations in which it makes sense to connect two subsystems of your own design with an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER, if they are based on different models. Presumably, in such a case, you will have full control over both sides and typically can use a simple translation layer. However, if two BOUNDED CONTEXTS have gone SEPARATE WAYS yet still have some need of functional integration, an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER can reduce the friction between them.

Domain-Driven Design, Eric Evans