September 13, 2014 at 05:54AM
"Normal Accidents, published in 1984, presented 'Normal Accident Theory'." #readingToday

A more elaborate argument why perfect prevention is impossible was provided by Stanford sociologist Charles Perrow's thesis that socio-technical systems had become so complex that accidents should be considered as normal events. He expressed this in his influential book Normal Accidents, published in 1984, in which he presented what is now commonly known as the Normal Accident Theory. The theory proposed that many socio-technical systems, such as nuclear power plants, oil refineries, and space missions, by the late 1970s and early 1980s had become so complex that unanticipated interactions of multiple (small) failures were bound to lead to unwanted outcomes, accidents, and disasters. In other words, that accidents should be accepted as normal rather than as exceptional occurrences in such systems.

The ETTO Principle, Erik Hollnagel