May 26, 2014 at 11:45AM
"This is forcing an increasing number of technologists .. to deal with the relativity of knowledge." #readingToday

This is forcing an increasing number of technologists to confront an unfamiliar dimension to the uncertainty surrounding incomplete information: the need to deal with the relativity of knowledge. Different users are going to see different things, have different experiences, depending on where they are relative to what they are looking at. In science, the analysis of this issue is called relativity theory, and many of the great minds of philosophy have struggled with versions of it, including Galileo, Einstein and Kripke. What links these different ideas about relativity is simple: they are all about the incompleteness of information, due to limitations in the available channels of communication. Far from being an abstruse issue of mere academic interest, only for the Einsteins of our world, relativity is something that now affects us when we read our daily messages.

The Search for Certainty, Mark Burgess, 2013