March 16, 2014 at 05:01PM
"[A disruptive growth] engine would have four critical components..." #readingToday

Such an engine would have four critical components, as depicted in figure 10-1. First, it needs to operate rhythmically and by policy, rather than in response to financial developments. This would ensure that new businesses get launched while the corporation is still growing robustly, and that new businesses would not be pressured to grow too big too fast. Second, the CEO or another senior executive who has the confidence and the authority to lead from the top when necessary must lead the effort. This is particularly important in the early years, when success still depends more on resources than on processes. Third, it would establish a small corporate-level group— movers and shapers— whose members develop a practiced, repeatable system for shaping ideas into disruptive business plans that are funded and launched. Fourth, it would include a system for training and retraining people throughout the organization to identify disruptive opportunities and to take them to the movers and shapers.

The Innovator's Solution, Clayton Christensen