March 01, 2014 at 08:26PM
"we currently have 5  iOS  and 10 Android versions currently in use by the public." #readingToday  

On the web stack, we use our not so secret weapon of Continuous Delivery as a safety net to quickly address bugs that make it to production. However, releasing mobile apps requires a 3rd party approval (the app store) , which takes five days in average; once an app is approved, users decide to upgrade –  so they may be stuck with older versions. Based on our analytics data, we currently have 5  iOS  and 10 Android versions currently in use by the public.

Etsy's Journey to Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps. Posted by nassimkammah | Filed under engineering, infrastructure, mobile. Positive app reviews can greatly help in user conversion and the image of a brand. on the other hand, bad reviews can have dramatic consequences; as Andy Budd puts ...